Personal exhibitions

2022  "Figures"  - Abstract Acrylic Paintings,  Galerie ob der Kap - Capellen, Luxembourg

2020 " The Abstract Art Of Rom Lammar",  Eight4Nine - Palm Springs - California, United States

2019  "Minimal Art And More", Galerie ob der Kap - Capellen, Luxembourg

2018  "Art On The Street" - Artworkcircle En Collaboration Avec La Ville De Luxembourg Et L'union Commerciale De La Ville De Luxembourg Luxembourg

2018  "La Forme Des Couleurs",  Galerie ob der Kap - Capellen, Luxembourg

2017  "Nella Fantasia",  Château de Larochette - Larochette, Luxembourg

2015  "Chiaroscuro" - Abstract Acrylic Paintings Galerie Maggy Stein - Bettembourg, Luxembourg

2014  "Ombre Et Colori",  Galeria Imagini Spazio Arte - Cremona, Italy

2012  "Rétrospective - 25 Ans Déjà",  Galerie Maggy Stein - Bettembourg, Luxembourg

2009  "Acrylic Abstract Art By Rom Lammar",  Rivegauche Art Galleries - Scottsdale-Phoenix-Arizona, United States

2009  "Abstract Art By Rom Lammar" Galerie Artmonti - Paris, France

2005  "Géomaîtrise" - Abstract Acrylic Paintings On Structured Canvas - Galerie Maggy Stein - Bettembourg, Luxembourg

2004  "Ombres Et Transparences" - Abstract Acrylic Paintings - Galerie de Grancy - Lausanne, Switzerland

2003  "Symbiose" - Abstract Acrylic Paintings Galerie Maggy Stein - Bettembourg, Luxembourg

2001 "Ethno" - Abstract Acrylic Paintings, Ethnic Masks And Sculptures Europäische Rechtsakademie Trier, Germany

2000 "La Magie De La Peinture Abstraite" - Acrylic Paintings Château de Bettembourg, Luxembourg

1992 "Aufbruch" - Abstract Acrylic, Gouache And Mixed Media Paintings - Mondorf-Les-Bains, Luxembourg

1991 "Lumières Et Couleurs" - Figurative And Abstract Watercolor And Gouache Paintings - Luxembourg

1987 "Landscape And City Watercolor Paintings", Galerie St.-Michel-Luxembourg

Group Exhibitions

2022 Salon International d'Art Contemporain Paris, France

2019 "Belvalplaz'art",  Esch-sur-Alzette - Organisé par Artworkcircle, Luxembourg

2019 "Art Against Cancer",  Old Town Artist Studios - La Quinta, California, United States

2018 "New Painting",  Luxembourg, Abbaye Neumünster - Ville de Luxembourg - Organisé par Artworkcircle

2017 "This Is Now", Rebecca Fine Art Gallery - Cathedral City, California, United States

2010 "Abstract Art" ,  Gora Gallery - Montreal, Canada

2009 "Elements Of Abstraction",  Agora Gallery - New York City, United States

2009 Exhibition By Invitation Of 27 European Artists; One Artist For Each Member Country Of The European Union To Celebrate The 5Th Anniversary Of The Hungarian Membership Opera Gallery - Budapest, Hungary

2007 "Expositions Aux 4 Coins", Caves Bernard Massard - Grevenmacher, Luxembourg

2006 Grand Concours International De Peintures, Dessins Et Sculptures Verviers, Belgium